Photographer: Tamarah Ellen | Hair and Makeup: Tamarah Ellen
Model: Presley Bush
Focus on what is important in your life. Each time we have an election, anger and childlike behavior are stirred up with social media. Drop the drama and focus on what matters to you, such as your dreams, dreams for your family and children, dreams for your partner, and shared dreams. I have never seen such childlike behavior in adults as on social media. It’s a toxic playground. Drama leads you nowhere but penniless and broken.
Let the drama stay with other people, and you focus on the things that matter for happiness. Social media will never bring you joy. What it does is reveal haters and toxicity. Nothing will make people hate more than to see you happy and prosperous, and you can’t be either on social media being engaged with the hate.
Happy People are Creative People
Photographer: Tamarah Ellen | Hair and Makeup: Tamarah Ellen
Model: Presley Bush
I have never felt more creative than I have these last few months, moving to a new studio and home, being with a loving partner and two sweethearts of pets since they are my children. I work to stay off social media as much as I can and focus on happiness. The happier we are, the more creative and loving we are. I see so many hateful people using the energy they could use to do good in the world, to cry, to cast their hate, and to be victims! Imagine what you could do if you focused on what you have control of and focus on doing things that bring you joy. Social media will never bring you joy. Joy comes from within and how you use your time to create a better life. Why would you want to spend your time acting childlike and victimizing yourself?
Dance Your Way Into Happiness
Photographer: Tamarah Ellen | Hair and Makeup: Tamarah Ellen
Model: Presley Bush
Life is a dance, a theater if you will, and we are the actors. We create, we grow, and we learn. The stage is set temporarily by the directors, our parents, but when we fly the coop, we are in charge of our destiny. We set a new stage through our thoughts, our actions, and our reactions to life. You can follow the script of society, or you can learn to be creative and write your own script. I choose the latter.
We have one life, and this life is what we make of it. We are not babies that cry when we don’t get what we want. I have had to “play the hand I’m dealt with many times in life. What I do is look for the opportunities and growth it affords me. Tough times either break us or make us stronger. These past few years in a downward economy, I learned to create things with what I have. I didn’t stop because times were tough. Of course, when you do this, haters will come out of the woodwork, but that is business. I can get down in tough times, but I pull myself up quickly by the bootstraps because I know that being happy is time being creative and prosperous.
“Having haters is just part of the business, and the more haters you have, the more people like you------that’s how I view it because I try to see the positive in things.” ~Nick Jonas~ (American Singer | Actor)
I’ve heard variations of this quote from many successful people. This is why we hear, “It’s lonely at the top.” But I don’t believe it is lonely; you merely become more selective of who you surround yourself with. You also don’t have the time to goof off. The value of time becomes selective.
Don't let drama and hate rob your soul. Be the silent mystery that the world is waiting for. Be the quiet and pensive actor on the stage that makes people wonder what you're going to do next. Capture attention through silence.
"Empty vessels make the most sound!" ~John Lydgate ~
(English monk and poet)
We have a choice as to where and with whom we spend time. Choose the path that will lead you to happiness versus hate, productivity versus time-wasting, and learn to seize the hand you are dealt. Let other people be negative and learn to focus on happiness. Happiness is the key to becoming a better you, and a better you, is a winning you!
To your success, rock it!
Tamarah Ellen