Let There Be Hope
Where would we be without hope? Where would you be? You may be glued to the news or the negative side of social media, and if so, that will give you very little hope. Each day is a new beginning, so start the day fresh without the news.
Visualize yourself in a utopian environment this very minute. What do you see? Would you see negativity? I think not because that is not the utopia most would dream of. Would you see people laughing and smiling, living the American dream, lifting each other with smiles and warm embraces, and even sharing meals with those whose ideas dramatically differ? That would definitely be a utopian world, wouldn’t it?
Photographer: Tamarah Ellen
"Hope is the pillar that holds up the world. Hope is the dream of a waking man. ~Pliny the Elder~
(1st-century Roman military commander and writer)
Let There Be Wisdom
The only thing keeping us from a utopian-like world is the loss of wisdom and people being influenced by the news media. The only people suffering from the negativity are the pot-stirrers on social media. First, there is no such thing as a utopian world, but we could get much closer than we are today. While we don’t have control of other people, we do have control of those we surround ourselves with. One may think, “I only want to be around, or work with people who think like me.” Wouldn’t that be nice---or would it? In reality, it may seem cushy, but where is the growth in that? I know for us to grow, we must put ourselves in uncomfortable situations, therefore learning and expanding our spectrum of thoughts, solutions, and visions. How can we have hope, lacking wisdom? For there to be hope, there must be wisdom to guide us to change, or even become aware change is needed.
Photographer: Tamarah Ellen
I believe we are in a space of stagnant growth and even creativity. Movies have become platforms for pushing agendas and are even redundant with remake after remake. Music has changed with the digital world, sounding synthetic. Will art become divided and tainted with stale brush strokes of anger? Why is this happening? As an artist, I feel the negativity in the world at times. I sit and stare waiting for my creativity to ignite and thirst for inspiration. Will this great divide carry over into an empty mirage of blank canvases? It won't in my world, no matter what it takes. I will inspire and I will be inspired.
Photographer: Tamarah Ellen (Self Portait)
Be the Solution; Live in the Solution
The way we create again is to cleanse our minds and hearts, so we can be free to design our new canvases with a broadened sense of self and integrity. This array of new and cleansed thoughts will spill over into our work like colorful confetti spraying the room with a party atmosphere. This beaming sprinkle, while starting out small, can trickle the creative mind, spreading like wildfire. It only takes a little to go a long way. One simple idea can give way to explosive amounts of hope and new beginnings, and it can fester in the heart to make things all bright and new.
Photographer: Tamarah Ellen
Shut down the negative socials and put a new spin on your art, work, and relationships through time better spent on the positive things in life. The more positive we are, the more creative we become, and our light will shine again. Be the one to change; be willing to expand that spectrum of influence, creating an almost utopian atmosphere around you. I don’t mind working with people of different strokes, and as long as I continue this, I hope it will spread to others. While I am fully aware that not all will be for me, as I am good to those who aren’t, nothing will stop me from excelling to new levels.
"To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe." ~ Marilyn_vos_Savant ~ (
Become wise to the game. Be the better person, shut down the negative socials, and spice up your creative wheels of fortune. The fortune is not just in the follow-up; it’s in how you live in your mind. Free your heart and mind to forgive, and the fortune will come to you. Imagine this----your big break could come from someone you thought was your enemy. One never knows. I prefer to create positivity and let there be hope cultivated from wisdom.
To your wisdom, hope and success, rock it!
Tamarah Ellen
Photographer: Tamarah Ellen