Staying Positive in Negative Times
We live in different times with an abundance of social media sites. Years ago, we never knew everyone’s business or their every thought. We certainly didn’t know most people’s politics, and this new awareness has become more of a curse. This new social internet has changed the spirit of many people and has made it harder to stay positive. Being positive is still a choice and one we must work harder for.
"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow."
— Helen Keller
I spend much less time on social media, especially during an election year. I work on projects that lift my spirit and enrich my soul. I remind myself, as does my partner, that what I have no control over is in God’s hands. This is a fact, and sometimes hard to swallow for most of us want to try and control situations we have no control over.
"Let go of control and allow God to take the steering wheel."
~Tamarah Ellen~
There are many great self-help and spiritual books that have helped me over the years, and now more than ever, I turn to listening to inspirational speakers on YouTube or reading inspirational books. The more I stay away from social media, the happier I am. I get on and do what I need to do to promote my business, an occasional funny reel, and then I am gone. What I have noticed about my partner’s family is that they never talk about politics at family gatherings, even though they all are on the same page. They spend time laughing and reminiscing through their mother’s diaries of their childhood and it is quite entertaining.
Keeping Focused on the Positive
The more you spend time focusing on the negative parts of the world, the more depressed and angrier you will become. You will never move forward in life being negative or jealous. Learn to be happy where you are and be happy for other people’s progress, and you will prosper when your time is here.
Whenever I feel I am in a bad space with my thoughts, I turn on Joel Osteen, as I love his messages. He is, no doubt, one of the greatest speakers of our time. Since I believe in God, I enjoy listening to him speak for the spiritual side of life. I do believe God put him in my path as I credit him for my reasons for continuing to live and fight for my dreams, and he has given me great hope when the rest of the world brings me down.
Find something greater than yourself to look up to and live by and make it your life’s mission to avoid negative people. I look to God, and Joel Osteen is the tool God gave me to hear what I need to hear. It has helped me change over the years, work hard on myself, and restore my hope daily.
People will forever let you down, but God doesn’t and hope is a gift from God. We build courage, character and stamina through tough times, and when we stay positive even in the bad times, we flourish in the tough times too. It may be uncomfortable for a while, but we come out greater on the other side.
Find your peace through a higher power, not social media. Social media is a tool that can be used to stay in touch with loved ones virtually, but it will never take the place of face-to-face communication or human touch. I hear people say time flies, so remember that if the only way you stay in touch is through Facebook Messenger. It’s time to get real. It’s not the same as spending time with people. The majority of your Facebook Friends list are not your friends, so make time for those important to you. Surround yourself with people who are for you, and stay away from the negative side of social media.
To your own success and happiness, rock it!
Tamarah Ellen
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