So many times, I have bucked the system, so to speak, because I want to do it my way! We all want the short cuts or the quickest way to success, but there are two things to remember. There are no real short cuts and sometimes the quick way, is the round-about way!
I like the quick way too, especially since this is my second chance in life, and I am years older than the college kid getting started! The beauty, however, of second chances and being more mature, is just that! We have gained wisdom, that is lacking in youth! I am not just more mature, but I have learned the value of patience and the good that it brings. It doesn’t mean I like it, but I have learned, to better cope with it.
Now, the next thing here, is the time. I mentioned there are not shortcuts, or quicker ways, but that’s not entirely true. I have spent the last 16 years, reading countless books by successful people, and what they all agree on is this: There isn’t a secret to success, the only secret is your mindset. Say yes to time! Time is on our side!
I have read many books on the power of the subconscious mind, and this explains, why two people, doing the same thing, in the same zip code, in the same economy in the same business; and one is successful, and the other isn’t. The secret; The one who is successful believes he or she will be successful, regardless of outside influences or circumstances.
The other doesn’t believe, and is usually bogged down with the news media, succumbing to the gloom and doom, the down falling economy and then, there is their own belief system, or lack of. If you believe you will be successful and focus on daily steps, then you will eventually win the good fight. The only problem here, is thinking that it is an overnight success. It isn’t, unless you win the lottery!
Say yes, to new areas of your venture or craft! As a budding photographer, I thought I would never want to photograph certain things, such as buildings, and landscapes. What I learned, however, is that the more things I photographed, the more I challenged myself. I learn more about light and photography in general, the more different things I experience. Even if you don’t intend on photographing buildings, or models, or landscapes, nature, etc., I recommend doing what you think, you won’t like. Your results may surprise you. Keep the doors of ‘yes’ open, even if it is just to learn something new.
I learned I enjoy many areas of photography! My challenge to myself, is finding the art in each area, by searching for a new level of creativity that I can explore and create. I want to keep the flow of prosperity and abundance in full force! Multiple streams of income is a must today!
Don’t let the economy and the news world, influence your motivation. Some of the most successful companies were created out of the depression. So, if that doesn’t give you inspiration, nothing will! I myself, have to stay focused, and surround myself with people who are a positive influence! I also continue to keep reading positive books. Each time I fall off the ‘reading books’ wagon, is when I fall into the gloom and doom that is surrounding me. I stay away from the news, and I focus on my dreams!
A great and successfully motivational speaker, Mark Yarnell, once said, “Stay away from the news, if you are ever going to achieve your dreams. If something catastrophic happens, that you need to know about, you will hear about it, within 15 minutes of it happening.” He was right! As I drove to work to my Day Spa that I owned at the time, in 2001, I was listening to music in my car! As soon as I walked into my spa, the receptionist was bombarding me with the news of 9/11. I will never forget that day!
Now, the other important ingredient is the “yes factor.” I must constantly, remind myself to be willing to say yes to opportunities, even when they don’t appear on the surface, to be the right direction for my dreams. I am learning that sometimes, those little detours are exactly what is preparing me for more greatness, and what will better prepare me for my real dream! It doesn’t mean I have to say “yes” to everything, but it does mean that I must look at things from a new perspective.
The road to our dreams, isn’t an easy one, so why add insult to injury! If you stayed glue to the negativity of social media, and stay glued to the news, you will never have the positivity and energy in your mindset, that is required to achieve your dreams. I saw a video of Denzel Washington, on the red carpet, and a reporter had the mic shoved in his face. He told her, “If you don’t watch the news, you are uninformed. If you watch the news, you are misinformed. You people don’t care about reporting the truth, you just care about being the first to report it.” He hit the nail on the head for me!
I would rather be uninformed of the lies, and focus on my dreams, and when I am at the level where I can see the greatest light in my tunnel, I will pay more attention to the world around me. The reason is simple. Until I, am in a position to actually change the world around me, impact it, and contribute on a higher level, I will continue contributing by creating my dreams! You should do the same!
Turn off social media news, CNN, Fox, etc and turn on the dreams in your heart for a change. This will enable you to see your vision, accomplish it, and that will give you the greatest power of influence. You will turn your noes into yeses!
Thank you for stopping by today! I hope you enjoyed my photos. These are things that I thought I would never enjoy to photograph. I have many more, and I enjoy to continue to challenge myself. Don't fear stepping out of your comfort zone! You may surprise yourself, learn something new, and it will improve your skills in other areas!
To grow, we have to be willing to spread our wings and fly into the unknown areas! Take a chance on yourself and your dreams. Surround yourself with those who support you, read, learn and listen to wise counsel!
To your own success, rock it!