Self-Portait | Tamarah Ellen
We come into this world with great expectations. As children, we are full of creativity, ambition, no inhibitions, and a grandiose vision of what we will be when we grow up. Time passes, and the more we are around people, adults who have grown a bit negative to the infinite possibilities, becoming a bit pessimistic from their own losses, the more we begin to gradually develop our own self-doubts. This becomes the beginning of our self-sabotage, turning us from dreamers to doubters, and some step right into the sheepish world of corporate America, going to a job they hate until they retire.
Photographer: Tamarah Ellen | Model: Presley
We witness this every day the more we are around young children. They are dynamic, with an electric body of brilliance beaming about them and an invincible imagination. They are on fire; we were on fire when we were young. Where did we go wrong? We lived among tired, broken people who allowed the dream stealers to corrupt our imaginations and dreams—at least, many of us did. I can honestly say that I put a stop to this. I started dreaming again, and I went after my dreams, regardless of what others said to me.
Photographer: Tamarah Ellen | Model: Presley
Self-Portait | Tamarah Ellen
I don’t know how or where I got this from, but I will say it took me years of reading and going to self-help seminars to rewire my thinking and feed my mind with better information, a reverse psychology of brainwashing. I turned society’s negative brainwashing and the media's brainwashing into positive, prosperity, and abundance brainwashing. I got more spiritual. I realized that I was made in the image of GOD, and I remembered WHO I came from. While my parents birthed me, I remembered that I was mostly a CHILD of the most high GOD. This was a game-changer for me. I knew I could do anything.
Now, with that said, there is the big challenge of timing which comes to play. My biggest lesson has been patience, and patience is what I am learning. I didn’t think it would happen overnight. However, I never believed it could take as long as it has. I am still growing and learning, and on the outside looking in, society might say I haven’t made it because society is looking for flashy cars, big houses, flashy jewels, and all the material things we associate with success. Success is measured by these material things, when it should be measured along our entire journey through our accomplishments along the way. The obstacles we overcome are a big part of our journey, and the lessons we learn from overcoming them are our success. The destination we seek is our mark, but then what? When we get there, do we only want more? I have heard from many successful people how the journey is the most exciting part and the most important part. It’s hard to see that at times, but I do get it, for as I look back at things I have accomplished and goals I have reached, I remind myself what I have achieved and overcome. I am still in the game, and I am still going strong.
Self-Portait | Tamarah Ellen
Own Your Feelings and Your Life
Now, I will mention stress, depression, and overwhelming feelings of defeat. These are the things people do not like to speak of, yet they are a part of our journey and why most people don’t make it. They give when they hit these blocks. Depression is a tough one to conquer, but the bigger your dream, the harder you will fight and push through. You realize there are no other options other than quitting, and that is not an option for me.
“The Life in me is the life I own, so I make the most of it!” Tamarah Ellen
I make the most of my life, yet I have moments of retreating to a dark hole, but not for long. I do have times when I feel defeated and depressed, but I always pull myself out again, and it doesn’t take long before I am up again. I get stronger and better through this, knowing I am being prepared for something grande! You will have times when you waste time during these moments, but as long as you get back up, you are a winner! There will be angels along the way who will lift you back up.
There Will Be Angels Along The Way
About a year ago, I had a woman who looked at me and said, “You know you are already successful.” She must have felt I was feeling defeated. She was right, yet I let society’s definition of success take over and allowed it to steal my joy. I am human, so I do look forward to my “icing on the cake,” which is what I call the material things we seek. That is just it; however, it’s the icing, and the journey is the cake. The minute we decide to take that first step towards our dream, we have already put an order in for our icing. God, then, takes over as we work daily to develop our skills, prepare us for what is to come and promote us at the right time. The right time is not our timing, which is why it is called the right time.
“Success is stumbling from failure to failure, with no loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill
We must stay focused and learn to be happy where we are in order to be promoted to where we want to be. That is the gratitude part. We must be grateful now for the joy that is to come to us. It’s gratitude in advance. Celebrate even the smallest of achievements along the way! That is showing gratitude.
Self-Portait | Tamarah Ellen
Some people may not be cut out for the journey to their dreams. It is not for the weak or entitled. It does take courage, and if being the most popular person in town is important to you, then you may not make it, for the more focused you are, the fewer friends you will have. For me, I have always been a bit of a loner, meaning just one or two good friends will suffice. I never needed tons of acquaintances to feel complete. I also enjoy the solitude of nature and being with a good friend or my partner. That has been enough for me.
Save your worried heart for the universe. I am a spiritual soul, so I work hard to leave my worries in God's hands. I still struggle with that, but I am getting better. Let go and let GOD. That is my new motto.
“Nothing is Impossible; the word itself says I’m Possible.” Audrey Hepburn
If your dreams seem impossible, and you have the courage to take that first step and stay the course, then your dream will become possible through your intentions and daily steps. Go for it!
To your own success, rock it!
Tamarah Ellen
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