When the World Comes Tumbling Down
I don’t know about you, but for me sometimes, the world can feel like it’s tumbling down. It’s a rollercoaster ride, this journey of life and dreams. With that said, how do we push through these difficult times? For me, I rejuvenate through my running outdoors. The outdoors is my savior! Nothing will lift me more than spending time in the sunshine, even if it’s little short bursts of it.
Also, when these times come, it’s important to have that good positive friend or mentor; that person that believes in you and lifts you up! Seems like today, those people are more challenging to find. There can be a darkness in the air, and I believe it is people who stay glued to the news, that are living in the dark. It’s almost virtually impossible to stay hopeful when one stays glued to the news.
The news media has never been a place to feel lifted. It’s a place of gloom and doom, and while many years ago, we got straight facts, today is different. Today we get opinions and false news, and it’s a battle between the political parties. While politicians tend to create more and more division, you don’t have to. We don’t have to allow that to happen. I don’t stay glued to the news. I can hear anything I need to know, just by turning on Facebook and I don’t spend much time there. I know that whatever I read; I can quickly land upon something that says the opposite. I quickly leave, and then move onto my inspirational writing and posts.
Self Family Portrait
Many years ago, when I embarked on my personal development journey, I began traveling across the country. I went to business workshops with positive & motivational speakers, spiritual workshops and self-help workshops, listening to some of the greatest speakers and successful entrepreneurs. I remember many speakers who are highly successful saying this: They all said, “If you stay glued to the news, you will find it hard to remain on the journey to your dreams, for you will wake up to the negative and go to bed with the negative.”
Photography by Tamarah Ellen | Cover Story by Tamarah Ellen
In order to stay positive, which is what it takes to overcome obstacles, you have to surround yourself with people who are successful, positive and let go of people who don’t believe in you, or don’t believe your dreams are possible. I also learned from these highly successful people, that you don’t take advice from someone who isn’t living the life you desire. If you are getting financial advice from someone who is struggling, then how can you learn from them? If you are taking advice from someone who is negative and doesn’t believe dreams can come true, then how will you, yourself push forward?
Photography by Tamarah Ellen | Cover Story by Tamarah Ellen
It’s simple logic, this journey. Surround yourself with people who are excited about their future, and you will continue to be excited about yours! It is true, that people from all walks of life have gained wisdom and can share their wisdom. Just remember to learn how to differentiate the wisdom and from whom it is coming from. Does that make sense? I hope so. For instance, a poor man can give you great wisdom on life’s experiences and even love. However, I wouldn’t take financial advice or entrepreneurial advice form the poor man; or business advice from the person who’s never owned their own business. You wouldn’t take marital advice from someone who’s never been married. You could, however, gain wisdom from someone who has been married and divorced, because hopefully they learned great lessons. You can even learn from someone who has opened their own business, even if they had to close it, because they did learn something from having the courage to take that leap. We learn what we can from that person; and then, when we are ready to move to new levels, we find someone who has had greater success, to get to the next level. It’s simple logic.
Photography by Tamarah Ellen | Cover Story by Tamarah Ellen
When I am highly motivated and excited, I spend time learning from someone who has done greater than me, either by reading their books, or following their wisdom, should they share it on social media or at seminars. If it’s someone who holds events or if it’s a new contact, then I try to meet then in person. What I won’t do, is spend time with people who are burnt out and have a negative energy about the world or their industry, etc. That never lifts me up! The burnt-out person, will never be positive. Stay away from those people.
Photography by Tamarah Ellen | Cover Story by Tamarah Ellen
There is always hope when you find hopeful people. When you spend time around negative people, or those glued to the news, you will find it quite challenging, if not impossible, to stay on course. If you are a big thinker, you can’t spend time with small minded people. You can’t start your day with the news and end it with the news. You can start your day with a positive book, reading a chapter, and then end it that way.
Photography by Tamarah Ellen | Cover Story by Tamarah Ellen
For me, the last 10 years has been quite the challenge. I've worked hard to make the best of challenging situations and people, while still facing obstacles, then overcoming them. It hasn't always been a picnic, yet I've made it because I work hard to be selective of who I spend time with. I have made mistakes, yet learned many lessons from them, so with that said, perhaps they weren't mistakes. I've trusted the wrong people, yet learned from that too. I don't stay focused on the news or the negative parts of the world, and I still love my country and I still believe in the American Dream.
Photography by Tamarah Ellen | Cover Story by Tamarah Ellen
Whenever I feel hopelessness slipping in, I work hard to focus on how I can focus on others through my internet show and Tamarah's Closet. This keeps me out of my pity party. If I feel I am not needed, then I remember the people I've helped and that gives me purpose. It feels good to lift others and practice gratitude often. None of us are perfect and we will always have those bad days, yet we prevail when we focus on the good stuff.
Photography by Tamarah Ellen | Cover Story by Tamarah Ellen
Don’t let your world come tumbling down and stay there too long. Find yourself a network of positive people and find that “go to” person who lifts your spirits, and you do the same for them.
One thing I love of my LIVE Internet show, Tamarah’s Closet, is I get to spend time with like minded people who are fighting and focused on their dreams. Those are the people I want to help and are worthy of my help. If you want to find people who believe in their dreams, go watch the replays of my interviews at www.youtube.com/tamarahscloset and my original channel http://bit.ly/TamarahEllenLiveInterviews
Photography by Tamarah Ellen
Stay positive, stay focused, get outdoors and keep fighting the good fight for your dreams! Leave me a comment so I know you are here, and tell me what your dream is!!!
Tamarah Ellen