“Where are we headed?”: This seems to be a question many are asking and have been for many years. We, or should I say you, are headed into the direction of your focus. It’s that simple, believe it or not.
I remember my first formal horseback riding lesson many, many years ago. One of the things my teacher taught me that has stood out in my mind is this: After she showed me the proper way to sit in the saddle, and how to hold the rains, she told me the most important thing was to pay attention to where my eyes were directed. She went onto say that “wherever my eyes are focused is the direction my horse will follow, for when you direct your focus, your body language will follow.”
She was right. While your leg placement is important as well, when you focus on the direction you want your horse to move towards, the horse will follow. What ever it is we are looking to fine, our focus determines how we get there. James Redfield said, “Where attention goes, energy flows, and where intention goes, energy flows.” *
If you are feeling angry about what is going on in your world, then start paying attention to where your focus is. If you wonder why you’re not moving forward, then it’s because of you, and not anyone else. No one is responsible for our livelihood, and our life. The blame game won’t work anymore. However, our thoughts and our input; what we focus on and what we fill our brain & mind with, will in turn predetermine our focus and whether we are positive or negative.
You will find it hard pressed to step into your new beginnings focusing on things you have no control over. Many years ago, I was listening to a great speaker. He said our success is determined by our beliefs system, which often is already tainted by spending thousands over hours around the dinner table with the wrong financial planners. If you want to be successful you must rewire your brain into believing first that you can be, and then by spending time with people who already are.
He gave a great argument with another proving and thought provoking statement: He said it’s the very reason you have two of the same businesses in the same town, in the same area, in the same economy, and one is highly successful, and the other is not. It’s all about the mindset of the one in the driver’s seat. Whatever it is you are focused on will control your destiny. Whatever you are feeding your mind with, on a daily basis will determine your thoughts, your actions, and your success.
If you are focused on all the negativity of this world, by buying into the media, then you will find it difficult to even pull yourself out of the bed in the morning. You will begin go buy into all your own excuses of why you can’t be successful and blame everyone, and everything before you even take the first step. “It’s it meant to be, it’s up to me.” These are words you better engrave into your mind. Talk like a winner and you’ll win. Talk like a loser and you’ll lose.
Recently I was researching some things about the world, different times, different economies, different Presidents, and what I learned is this: “We have been in this ‘things are doomed to fail’ mindset for my entire life.” I googled events that took place before I was born, and I have watched movies and documentaries about times before I was born, and when I was a teenager, and the language has always remained the same. Over, and over again, there were, and still are, people out there saying, “this country is going to hell.”
Well that tells me, that it’s not the country that is going to hell, and it’s not going to hell anymore today than it was 100 years ago, when people were saying the same thing. It’s the people who are saying that, which are going to hell. They are creating their own hell and trying to drag you into that hell with them. It’s a simple solution. Stop buying into it! Start living! You’ve got one life, so why do you want to spend it being angry and doomed?
Do yourself a favor, and better yet; do us all a favor & keep it to yourself! Leave the rest of us who choose happiness, dreams and life, out of it. I dream of the day where Facebook and other social media platforms, keep the politics in a separate platform, so the rest of us who want to live the American Dream can share our work, our positivity and our inspiration with those who want to LIVE again!
If you want to be free, it's entirely up to you! ME; I am as free as a bird! I am as free as a spirited Arabian horse, because it's my choice! This choice is bringing me loads of great health, great wealth, new & prosperous opportunities, chances of a lifetime, great friendships and all of my investments are hugely & abundantly profitable! That's freedom and that's the American Dream! I create it, and so shall I live it!
So, with that said, I am looking forward to bringing back Tamarah’s Closet this year, with more talented people from all over the world. We have a new platform and will be broadcasting over several social media sites LIVE! I look forward to all the new things Tamarah’s Closet has in store for the dreamers and the believers of this world. I always look forward to celebrating talented people from all over the world.
Enjoy the replays of my Live Interviews at www.youtube.com/c/tamarahscloset.
Tamarah Ellen
Author & Photographer
*James Redfield is an American author, lecturer, screenwriter and film producer. He is notable for his novel The Celestine Prophecy.